Welcome to my new website!
I can’t believe this is finally happening!
It’s been quite a long time now that I’ve wanted to have my own website, as the perfect place to host all my various platforms, project details, and more. Making a website is a pretty big task, though, especially when you want to get it right, down to the very last detail.
Now, I’m not saying, of course, that what you’re looking at now is the final product. This is something that I’ll continually be working on, updating, and experimenting with to make it exactly what I want and need it to be.
That being said, I’ve put a lot of hours into this and waited to announce it until I felt it was ready to be debuted. So…let me know what you think!
If there are more things you want to see from me here, leave a comment or send me a message on social media. This is my internet home, but I want it to be someplace you want to visit and explore too 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! Talk to you soon!

Elias Thompson
Yo congrats on the site and the Patreon. Looking forward to seeing more info on TBA and learning new things like the fact that expat is a word that exists.
Haha, thanks Elias!! It’s such a catchy word, isn’t it? 😛
Congrats on your new website! 🙂 I’m excited to hear more of you and as Elias said, I’m also longing to see more of TBA. I will also check out your patreon page.
Thank you!! 🙂
Congrats on your new website. Question: was a follow or subscribe button overlooked or is it still in the works? I would like to receive a notification when ever a new post goes up on your new blog. Most of the notifications that I get for a new post on blogs that I follow come from bloglovin.
Thank you for the work that you do to to entertain and teach us.
I’m not quite sure the logistics of installing a feature like that, but I will definitely be posting on my social media whenever I publish a new blog post. So you won’t miss it! 🙂
Aurélie (Alfinou13 Targaryen on YouTube)
I’m so happy to know more about your writing journey! It must be so interesting for you to come back on those earlier writings and see how much you have accomplished! I’m sure it must help you grow as a writer! Good luck with the revisions! I can’t wait to buy your book (I hope you’ll put it on ebooks as well, I love reading on my kindle) even if I know revisions can be a tough and long process!
Thank you!! It’s so fascinating to look back at my older writing. It’s changed and improved SO much!