My Novels


Title: TBA

Genre: fantasy

Status: brainstorming & outlining

I’m trying a few things I’ve never attempted before in this new project…including multiple POVs! I also think this will be an adult fantasy, rather than a YA, as my main characters are in their late teens and past “school age” (in both the real world and the fantasy one that I’ve created). Find out more about my progress on my writing channel!

Revised — But Ready for Another Look

Title: Among the Gifted

Genre: YA fantasy

Status: complete(ish)

My fourth YA fantasy book was an incredible experience to write. I truly love this story and revised it many times, completing it at a little over 90,000 words. Since setting this project aside, I’ve begun to feel drawn to it again and had some ideas to strengthen the story even more…so I think I will be returning to revisions at one point!


Introverted Elliana vows to be bold when she is accepted to study abroad in the world of the Gifted, but her hunger for adventure attracts more than dangerous new friendships in the shrouded hallways of the Academy Centrosa.

About My Writing

Like so many writers, my infatuation goes back to early days of devouring books while snuggled up in my twin-size bed, buckled in the back seat of the car, or hidden in some quiet corner of the library. I wrote my first short stories before hitting my double-digit years, and somewhere in that blissfully happy state of creating for creation’s sake, I decided that I wanted to be a writer forever.

I began my first fantasy novel at 13 years old. Almost as soon as the idea popped into my head, I was scribbling random notes of names, places, and things into a notebook, then plunging into Chapter One before I really knew where I was going. I would learn later that discovery writing, or pantsing, is not where I shine. But the outcome is something I will cherish forever: my very own novel. It was the first time I dipped my toe into the incredible world of novel-writing—and I was bewitched.

My second book, later in my teens, started with the vague inspiration of an outline, and the resulting story was about that much better. While writing my third, which I only set about once I had taken the time to construct a much more concrete sense of a plot, I started making videos for my YouTube channel to document the process, both for myself and for other writers who wanted to share the journey with me. They (maybe you?) joined me from the middle part of my first draft through several rounds of revisions, until I finally decided it was time to set the project aside and begin a new one. This one I called Among the Gifted.

What comes next is, I hope, a journey that I can continue to share with anyone who might be interested—because, if there’s one thing that I’ve learned over all this time, it’s that the spell I fell under while writing that first book is far from ever breaking!